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单词 squadron 例句大全,用单词squadron造句:

In the Empire, a standard Dreadnaught carried a squadron of TIE fighters.
At Waterloo, he was chief of a squadron of cuirassiers, in Dubois brigade.
滑铁卢战争中, 他在杜布瓦旅当铁甲骑兵队队长。
Yuke Squadron The enemy is taking off. Destroy them before they get airborne.
Guo Ming squadron leader that these may be expensive Teinopalpus aureus Mell.
The air squadron is standing by, waiting for the order to start on a mission.
空军中队正作好准备, 待命出发执行任务。
We stayed with 406 Squadron for 18 months,a normal tour of duty at that time.
We stayed with 406 Squadron for 18 months, a normal tour of duty at that time.
我们在406骑兵营服役18个月, 这是那时得正常服役期。
A number of aircraft in the U.S. Air Force forming a subdivision of a squadron.
I've reassigned Lt. Commander Sterling's Skull Squadron assist with the search.
The Final Squadron power is deals decent damage at it's target, but't the best.
Yuke Landing Force Assault squadron, provide fire support to the amphibious force.
I phoned the squadron at their base and immediately booked a flight to Washington.
We have deployed a squadron of tanks and support personnel to southern Afghanistan.
The admiral commanded the centre squadron and had overall command of the whole fleet.
This was transmitted to you by Ashtar himself, the commander of grand cosmic squadron.
Initial Operational Capability of one operational squadron is slated for December 2005.
a warship required to maintain a higher degree of readiness than others in its squadron.
The squadron emergency muster, rushes to the scene of the accident with lightning speed.
Far away, a terrorist organization with the Air Force destroyer squadron combat readiness!
远处, 恐怖组织的驱逐舰队与空军中队严阵以待!
As soon as enemy bomber formation was sighted, the squadron leader gave the order to peel off.
The nerve center of the customs service's squadron of antidrug patrol planes is in Oklahoma city.
He also got a new pilot for Rogue Shadow, Juno Eclipse, who had been captain of Vaders Black Eight Squadron.
风暴中队下令摧毁敌人弹道导弹发射装置, 目标代号
Typically you want your Viking squadron to eliminate enemy flyers first, and then drop down to fight on foot.
通常你要你的海盗中队来消除敌军, 然后再降下来。
Objective To investigate the nursing method around surgery in medical squadron of sight restoring for cataract.
since then he has become widely known for his work in Squadron and Osprey publications and for Dragon Models, and has also worked as a courtroom artist for TV news.

单词 squadron 释义

  • 单词释义:中队;骑兵中队;飞行中队;有组织的一个群体  [更多..]



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