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单词 stand 例句大全,用单词stand造句:

We just stand on the sidelines beside the academics and carp.
As things stand, this acquisition is to buy the wrong person.
目前看来, 这笔收购是买错人了。
Just stand over there across the street in front of the shop.
The ability to stand, crouch and kneel for long periods of time
能够长久站, 蹲和跪着
When he could stand it no longer, he rose abruptly to his feet.
This kind of Tubular Motor Annex includes stand and boom stand.
该管状电机附件有支架, 万向支架。
How much embarrassment will you accept to take a stand for Jesus
Rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf, chat and hang about.
After that, we design the stand according to their specifications.
然后, 我们根据他们的规格设计展览点。
If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.
你们若是不信, 定然不得立稳。
He is so envious that he cannot stand anyone beforehis own ability.
If any one of these three legs is absent, the stool will not stand.
Stand in for QC inspector to conduct QC checks on all in his absence.
So they stand back and celebrate their accomplishments through others.
Their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development.
Once acceptance, want to be in charge of after all, stand fast promise.
The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.
Jordan absolutely could not stand to lose or fail, Kobe is the same way.
乔丹无法承受输球和失败, 科比也是一样的。
It may be to stand up for your opinion, to stand up for your conviction.
它也有可能是捍卫自己的观点立场 捍卫自己的信念
When I stand behind the teacher's desk, I imagine I stand before a stage.
He is absolutely rock solid and it's scary to watch him stand next to Pau.
In the temperance question, Mr. White takes his stand on total abstinence.
School, stand in fast static Qi, and accompanied by songs from the school.
放学站队快静齐, 伴着歌声把校离。
Stand behind the patient, abduct, extend, and externally rotate the shoulder
站在患者身后, 外展, 延伸和向外旋转肩膀
But we now stand on the verge of another revolution in geolocation accuracy.
但现在我们站在地理精确定位的 另一场革命的边缘。

单词 stand 释义

  • 单词释义:台,看台;立场;停止;抵抗  [更多..]



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