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单词 stairs 例句大全,用单词stairs造句:

His asthma made it difficult for him to breathe after climbing a flight of stairs.
由于他有气喘, 所以爬了一段梯之后, 他便觉得呼吸困难。
He climbed the stairs quietly, not wanting to awaken any of his fellow numeraries.
他轻声的上楼, 生怕吵醒了他的同伙。
Her making her way down the littered vestibule stairs, one agonized step at a time.
她用她 降低到处前庭楼梯,一步步的向我走来
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She opened the door of the apartment, a little breathless from climbing the stairs.
她打开公寓的门走了进来, 因为刚爬了楼梯, 显得有些气喘。
Head for the stairs. Youll burn about29 calories climbing stairs for three minutes.
Will led them until stairs passed through a floor and stopped at an arched entrance.
威尔带着他们, 直到楼梯到达地面, 停在了一个拱形入口前。
Dictators clatter down the stairs and batten down the hatches as their regimes implode
政权内乱时, 独裁者咔嗒咔嗒走下楼梯, 封闭洞口
But I noticed those Harry sll the time saw eVery abundance person arrived up the stairs.
For see, the Queens barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take water.
瞧, 女王的游艇停泊在浮码头边, 好像女王陛下就要乘船出航。
Aladdin put the ring on the little finger of his left hand and began to go down the stairs.
But that night she sat on the top of the stairs with her head on her crossed arms and cried.
可是那个晚上, 她坐在楼梯口上抱头痛哭。
Mr. Patton paused at the door and waited for the visitor to ascend to the top of the stairs.
巴顿先生在门口停下来, 等着这位绅士走到楼梯的顶部。
They are thrilled by the revolving doors and like the brushed steel banisters on the stairs.
After the accident,he could not walk for months and had to relearn how to walk down stairs.
The front door of the building stood ajar, so I went up the stairs, rang the bell, and waited.
Presently, when the drum beats the assault, let the twenty below stairs rush to the barricade.
一会儿, 当战鼓擂起进攻号时, 下面二十人就奔进街垒。
They could hear the barman down below, rebolting the door of the bar, then climbing the stairs.
他们听见酒吧老板在下面闩上酒吧的门, 走上了楼梯。
The old woman just didnt have it in her to climb all those stairs anymore, so she had to move.
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He flung up his hands and tramped down the stone stairs, singing out of tune with a Cockney accent
他抡起双臂, 咚咚地走下石梯, 用东伦敦口音荒腔走调地喝道
Walk to the stairs to turn Cape, keep on in the still among audition living room perennial of bell ring.
走到楼梯转角, 仍然听得到客厅中持续不断的铃声。
With the arising of a loud hum of excitement, she looked up to see her father slowly descending the stairs.
I rowed once around the down-stairs, avoiding the mess of timbers in the hall where the terrible accident had occurred.
She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused.

单词 stairs 释义

  • 单词释义:楼梯;楼梯( stair的名词复数 );(楼梯的)一级;阶  [更多..]



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