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单词 streaking 例句大全,用单词streaking造句:

He went streaking down the avenue.
The car keys were streaking for the ceiling.
啊, 车钥匙要碰到天花板了。
Damien fuller's streaking down the sideline.
The snow was still falling, and streaking the gray of the sky.
The head was brownish with dark streaking and a dark eye and earcovert patch.
呈褐色有条纹的头部, 黑色的眼睛和遮蔽耳朵的眼罩。
The tile treated with L. O. C. Plus Kitchen Cleaner shows a clear, shiny surface with no streaking!
经灵验厨房清洁剂抹过的瓷砖面清洁明亮, 不留半点痕迹。
I a moment ago hit sound of clew of your mobile phone to say Dial again later please in streaking to Founder!
The controlling method for the lengthwise oil streaking and oil spot of the large diameter circular knitting machine
大圆机油针, 油点的控制方法

单词 streaking 释义

  • 单词释义:n.裸奔(指在公共场所裸体飞跑)  [更多..]



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