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单词 star 例句大全,用单词star造句:

The discoveries were abstruse, but he was seen by many of his peers as a rising star.
他的发现很深奥, 但还是被同仁们视为正在升起的新星。
The back star beat Sudan 2 nil in front of an enthusiastic crowd in the capital Accra.
Look, take the argument of the planets, the Morning Star and the Evening Star example.
Did the star ignite helium at the core, swallow a planet, or swallow a companion star?
The scope slews to the second star, and then I center the second star in the eyepiece.
He is an experienced football reporter, so the football star has accepted his interview.
Accretion Disk and Angular Momentum Loss During Formation of a Star in the Nebular Disk.
A storing navigation star database method for star map recognition using character match
So some people guess that star may turn into dark energy star after gravitation collapse.
The Big Dipper, the star Altair and the star Vega can be identified, but other stars cannot.
有些星宿如北斗七星, 牛郎织女星可以辨识, 有些则难以分辨。
And we do know that it is this star that is the pulsar and we know that it is not that star.
我们知道这是行星, 这是脉冲星, 我们知道它不是行星。
Star anise drying apparatus and drying house with blast furnance were used to dry star anise.
The guide star database consists of guide star catalogue and star pair information catalogue.
As a black hole or neutron star destroys a star, tremendous amounts of radiation are released.
Recently, double star development goes shoe of basketball of Great Wall of double star celebrity.
Sometimes there are also boys in the procession, called star boys, with star decorated paper hats.
Thus, Huo star and a half star family and embarked on a reconstruction of the wind on family trips.
于是, 吙星和半月星踏上了重建风族和月族的旅程。
Software Description About Star Trek Nemesis, This is a screen saver for the movie Star Trek Nemesis.
Singing and dancing, acrobatics and stunt, opusculum and comic dialogue, the lineup of star is strongly.
There is an accretion disk formed when a black hole absorbs substance from a companion star or something.
原来系黑洞附近, 有星球被吸走物质而形成吸积盘。
At the end of its handle is the star Polaris, which is known throughout the world as the North Pole star.
And now reports suggest the star is enrolling at Oxford University, one of Britain's top academic facilities.
A large reflect meridian circle is an instrument for the absolute determination of the declination and right ascension of a star.
One of the biggest blockbuster movie series, the Star Wars cycle created by George Lucas, has returned to the screen, with the ' prequel ' titled Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace.
Secured atop the tallest branch, reaching heavenward, is a simple, precious star, reminding all that Christmas in our home is illuminated with the light of Christ, represented by the new star.

单词 star 释义

  • 单词释义:星;星状物;星级;明星  [更多..]



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