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单词 utter 例句大全,用单词utter造句:

Thy eyes shall behold strange women, and thy heart shall utter perverse things.
Why was I such an utter goddamned fool as to leave them with that bloody woman?
Why was I such an utter goddamned fool as to leave them with that bloody woman ?
我为什么糊涂到这种地步, 把它们留给那个该死的女人呢?
To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God,a god,or another object of worship.
I turn away before he can utter an apology and walk briskly back to the bleachers.
He raised the mirror swiftly. An expression of utter bewilderment came to his face.
他迅速举起镜子, 脸上露出不知所措的惊异神情。
He opened his mouth to utter a woefull howl, two big teardrops rolling down his cheeks.
While he despises incompetence and petty bickering he demands complete and utter loyalty.
Before you utter any nonsense, look through the announcements posted by the administrator.
I find myself unable to be in entire agreement with the grave men who utter these warnings.
If it is not happy ah, regardless of the number who said good things, it did not utter out.
它要是不高兴啊, 无论谁说多少好话, 它一声也不出。
They abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
His bankruptcy proclaimed the utter collective collapse of the traditional business stratum.
他的破产, 宣告了传统商人阶层的集体殒落。
Before I could utter the words again, the sound of a thud came echoing from behind the glass.
Doris was looking at the floor, her cheeks drained of color, her expression one of utter misery.
If the enemy troops are thrown into utter confusion, we shall act in light of the circumstances.
如敌完全混乱, 则依实际情况临机处置。
They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
They faithful obedience, a strong sense of responsibility, strong, aspirant selfimprovement utter.
他们忠诚服从, 责任心强, 坚奋努力, 上进自强。
Utter not a single word, gorgeous become highfalutin, cherish the treasure of the people, Fang Yaning.
不言不语, 华丽变得冠冕堂皇, 珍惜所珍惜的人, 方雅宁。
I was also angry and disappointed, but those emotions were largely numbed by the sense of utter incredulity.
Become totally absorbed in the moment by performing acts of such utter selflessness that you forget yourself.
I turn to Grandma. Shes sitting on the rock withher hands stretched out, an expression of utter bewilderment on her face.
我走回了奶奶那里, 她还伸着手, 一脸困惑的坐在那里。
And the wall that was without over against the chambers, toward the utter court on the forepart of the chambers, the length thereof was fifty cubits.
圣屋外, 东边有墙, 靠着外院, 长五十肘。
Nature teased us with a succession of calm, clear-pool moments of utter tranquillity alternating with turbulent, tumbling rapids of frantic desperation.
And it is in other towns up and down the coast, Bayou de Battrys entire shrimping industry has fallen victim to Carmen and has been lift in utter ruin.

单词 utter 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.全然的,绝对的;vt.发出,做声,发表,发射,流通  [更多..]



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