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单词 unwind 例句大全,用单词unwind造句:

The Fed will unwind the balance sheet before they raise the fed funds rates.
美联储会先清理资产负债表, 然后才会提高联邦基金利率。
Many IT professionals use this amphitheatre to unwind after a hard day at work.
Additional features include a driven unwind and closed loop taper tension control.
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind, in this darkness which you know you.
If we unwind this paper, each point on the angular edge generates an involute curve.
Just clear your mind of the mental clutter of the moment and allow yourself to unwind.
这样做将会为你清理心中的烦乱, 使你放松心情。
Aromatherapy Spritzer that combines ylang ylang and sweet orange to help unwind and ease tension.
The Japanese currency normally strengthens as investors unwind carry trades and back away from risky assets.
当投资者将利差交易平仓, 撤出风险资产时, 日元通常会走强。

单词 unwind 释义

  • 单词释义:展开,从缠绕中解开;(使)心情轻松  [更多..]



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