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单词 unzip 例句大全,用单词unzip造句:

For warm weather unzip several feet and fold out both sides of the zipper.
When you reach a belay station, unzip the pit vents and let off some steam.
当您达到系绳站, 解压缩维修喷口和放一些蒸汽。
Try to decompress the first file by calling unzip with the guessed password.
It's a little easier on the recipient since they don't need to unzip any folders.
对接收者也更容易, 他们不需要解压缩任何文件夹。
At times, some people decide to just unzip and let loose on the front of a building.

单词 unzip 释义

  • 单词释义:vi.拉开拉链;vt.拉开  [更多..]



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