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单词 used 例句大全,用单词used造句:

Can be used for silkworm chrysalis of food raw materials, also can be used for livestock feed additives.
A lower drag board connector is used for the cleaner of the roving frame, which is used for cleaning yarn.
The mired value is used to calculate the type of colour temperature filters required to match the film used.
这个数值用来计算色温滤片的类别, 以配合所用菲林。
In national autonomous areas a nationality language commonly used in the locality maybe used simultaneously.
State whether Establishment is a Service Abattoir of used Exclusively by Company. Used exclusively by company.
The only filter I used here is Gaussian Blur which I used to create the shade applied to the black oval shape.
在他身后, 有什么东西正挥舞着, 紧接着一声闷响。
The exchange rates used in this sample are fictitious and should not be used for actual financial transactions.
The combination of conjunctions used in compound sentence sometimes can be also used to make up sentence groups.
复句中合用的关联词语, 有时也能用于句群的组造。
Polar filler are used in normal phase chromatographic system, among which, silicon gel is the most commonly used.
Automatic bulk capacitance cut legs and feed used in combination with vibration plate can also be used separately.
自动散装电容切脚机与送料振动盘组合使用, 也可分开使用。
Combined steel form will be used for slab form, and sponge strip shall be used for the form joint during matching.
Theyare widely used for measuring length and shape and position deviation and also can be used as reading devices.
广泛用于长度, 形位误差的测量, 也可作为读数装置。
The units can be used for controlling the concentration of saltwater used in rinsing seafood or salinity in cooking.
Individual characteristics Person deictic words in legal English are much more often used than those used in legal Chinese.
The constitution of brine used in this test should be the same as the brine used for establishing the initial water saturation.
Analysis Here as much as possible is used to modify the infinitive, and until is used to introduce an adverbial clause of time.
她说我必须尽可能多的练习, 直到它们留在我的脑海中。
used for payment. Proforma invoice in five originals covering 100 pct of the total contract value used for customers clearance.
Vinyl flooring in oak wood and carpets have been used in the interiors while teak deck flooring has been used in the exterior spaces.
When the cell box is used, arbitrary nodes of the cell box can be combined, the screws are tightened, and then the cell box can be used.
使用时, 可以取任意节电池盒组合起来, 拧紧螺丝就可以使用。
The hands are used for opening the umbrella at the time of opening, and one hand is used for closing the umbrella at the time of closing.
自合伞在开伞时用双手撑开, 合伞时用单手就可使伞合拢。
It is used to represent a voiceless retroflex plosive in the International Phonetic Alphabet, and is used some alphabets of African languages.
此字母亦是 非洲参考字母之一,在某些非洲语言中使用。
Besides, Singaporean students also tend to mix up pronunciation of roman characters used in the English language with that used in hanyu pinyin.
Human after-birth can be used for medicinal purposes. When used as a kind of Chinese traditional medicine, it is usually called the placenta hominis.
Used for the refrigerator to behind carry on the back the knothole Obstruct to burn hollowness the plank, and also can used for the refrigerator bottom
antibiotics are used to fight such diseases as pneumonia, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis. Penicillin is the most widely used antibiotic. Others include streptomycin, chloromycetin, and aureomycin.

单词 used 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.习惯的,旧的,用旧了的  [更多..]



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