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单词 uprising 例句大全,用单词uprising造句:

The shipment marked the first sale of oil by the rebel government since the uprising that began on Feb.
The revolt in Libya is part of a widespread uprising against dictatorial government across the Middle East.
An Arab uprising against us, which the Germans were definitely trying to foment, would have been disastrous.
Lijin was kind of industrial and commercial additional tax that waslevied for of suppressing peasants'uprising.
The uprising of the central region is of great significance to the overall situation of oar countrys macro economy.
After the Wuchang Uprising, Guangdong independence, Hu Ren Liang captaincy general for the military government Minister.
1856 was the year when the courageous uprising against the foreign occupation of India was defeated by the British forces.
1858年,印度所爆发的 民族大起义 被英军镇压了。
The Successful Practice of the Party's Tactics of Motivating Soldiers and Military Officials in KMT Warlord Troops in Bose Uprising
The historical narration of peasant uprising emphasizes particularly on the former, while theone of kings and ministers stresses the latter.
农民起义历史叙事侧重前者, 帝王将相历史叙事侧重后者。
Wuchang Uprising Revolution when the soldiers into the Fengtai conspiracy to overthrow the Ching court, fled to Shanghai because of the leak.
On the Transformation of Hubei Office of Advice and Discussion from Performing Constitutionalism to Participating in the First Uprising of Wuchang

单词 uprising 释义

  • 单词释义:起义,暴动;升起  [更多..]



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