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单词 transparency 例句大全,用单词transparency造句:

Lack of transparency undermines the processes of benign globalization and democratic governance.
The more the better gloss, transparency, the higher the better, the better the greater the block.
The architects underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity.
正是因为大户采光, 遮阳才更显得尤其重要。
Therefore, it is clear that there is a need to improve and maximize transparency and accountability.
因此, 显然有必要改善和最大限度地提高透明度和责任制。
Suppressing Power Broadening of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency by Utilizing Microwave Field
The GEF is also to ensure transparency and adopt streamlined procedures in the operation of this fund.
We continue to underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in the work of the Council.
It is key for those entities to bolster the transparency and efficiency of their assistance programmes.
We need the Security Council to respond more decisively to calls for complete transparency in its work.
Their political system is in desperate need of transparency, official accountability and the rule of law.
Baltic amber from the amber of its high level of transparency, texture, crystal clear, quality excellent.
Study on the Rheological Behaviour of High Transparency Prumus Mume Juice in the Concentration Processing
It reminds us of the importance of transparency and responsibility in the allocation and use of resources.
At the same time, countries on the isthmus must manage resources with full transparency and accountability.
同时, 地峡的国家必须充分透明和负责地管理资源。
Increased delegation of authority goes together with a demand for increased transparency and accountability.
在进一步放权的同时, 需要提高透明度和增强问责制。
The Delegation also stressed the importance of transparency to which it attached a great deal of importance.
New measures will also be introduced to enhance the accountability and transparency of the regulatory authority.
The main objective is to confer greater agility and transparency in the administration of justice in the country.
Accounting information is to enhance financial transparency and enhance the authenticity of accounting information.
会计信息化是增强财务透明度, 提高会计信息真实性的要求。
The modelling and analytic methods for the dynamic response of windshield transparency under bird impact are studied.
Advocacy for democratic governance and transparency should be applicable at both the national and international levels.
The Netherlands has been strongly advocating increasing accountability and transparency with regard to nuclear arsenals.
The regulation would specify capital adequacy ratios that depend on the risk and transparency of the underlying financial products.
It develops frame of mind in a placid way, restores the soul to its original transparency and resuscitates the capability of thinking.
Should the background color for the legend be transparent. This flag is now deprecated in favour of declaring transparency within OUTPUTFORMAT declarations. Default is off.

单词 transparency 释义

  • 单词释义:透明;透明度;透明性;透明的东西  [更多..]



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