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单词 trail 例句大全,用单词trail造句:

Don't want let he know oneself of trail and discover, turn round alignment oil press.
不想让他知道自己的窥探, 转身走向油坊。
This was the first step towards making the vision of the Appalachian Trail a reality.
Study on the Impact on the Trail Soil of Artificial Forest by Walking Tractor Skidding
The smaller ring is the point of aim computed to allow for deflection and bullet trail.
This trail will take you through the Museum to look at some of its unique architecture.
On the campaign trail, President Hamid Karzai has appealed to his enemies to make peace.
Up the trail about 10 yards, a goodsized grizzly was munching on berries, his head down.
Shahzad apparently left a trail of evidence in what was described as an amateur operation.
很明显, 沙扎德在所谓的业余行动中留下了证据。
Fresh batches of Hudson Bay dogs were to take the places of those worthless for the trail.
How I miss that trail of our accompanied footprints in the days of intoxicating friendship.
Abel This trail connects a lot of quiet and lesserknown paths, and the scenery is beautiful.
这条步道是串连起鲜为人知的清幽小径, 风景很美。
Once the moth detects the trail, it turns upwind to find the chemical gradient of the trail.
一旦蛾检测线索, 原来迎风找到化学梯度的线索。
If you don't want to lounge on the beach, you can go on a guided walk along the nature trail.
The editorial was a trail balloon to test the public's reaction to a change in the school day.
The adjusted trail balance columns have been omitted to expedite preparation of the work sheet.
If you do, Laccolith Grunt deals no combat damage this turn. They leave a trail of ash and sorrow.
And these types of maps can be automatically generated based on the data trail modern people leave behind.
這類的圖只要依據現代人所留下的資料 就能夠自動產生
The Effect of Push Cart Skidding on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Trail Soil in Artificial Forests
You shouldn't look down on for being young a blaze that feeds on many things, a flame with its blackened trail.
The Theoretical Basis and Perfection of the Systerm on Legal Supervision of the Trail Over Criminal Proceedings.
Straddling the ridge of a mountain range shaped like a dragons back is, appropriately enough, Dragons Back Trail.
横跨山脉的形状像龙的背, 真的像一条龙在那里。
Analysis on Characteristics of Bail Pending Trail with Restricted Liberty of Moving and Suggestion for Perfection
Effect of Farm Truck Skidding on the Trail Soil of Artificial Mixed Forest of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata
Or O'Neal, in Game 4 of the 2000 Western Conference final against Portland who was fouled repeatedly by the Trail Blazers.
In this paper, I take Genesis as an example to probe into the trail of the establishment of the authority of discourse in Bible.

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