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单词 tower 例句大全,用单词tower造句:

An auxiliary of a fractionating tower designed to supply additional heat to the lower portion.
蒸馏塔的辅助设备, 设计用来为塔下部补充供热。
Our country potato is western advocate producing area, close water tower does not get a month.
And then on our last night, there, we go to the Eiffel Tower and on the top of the Eiffel Tower.
The blower fan adopts blower fan special for the cooling tower,1 blower fan for each cooling tower.
Within the tower, there will be a laboratory, living accommodation and a helicopter landing station.
钢塔内有实验室, 生活设施和直升飞机着陆站。
Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is advanced in design and sturdy in construction.
Tower above the fifth floor for the air tube, rising in the tower, do not need out of the tower outside.
Electroplating Acidic Wastewater Treatment by the Variable Speed Upflow Filter Air Explosing Tower Method
Application of Improved Blind Hole Method to Welded Iron Tower Joint for Stress Relieving with Heat Aging
Tower Bridge has a fascinating history, which is explored in detail for visitors Tower Bridge Exhibition.
This harmful bacterium can be inhibited by adding large quantity of1.01 acetic acid bacteria in the tower.
Construction Technique of Lifting Arch Boxes by the Way of Main Tower Used Together with Subordinate Tower
Surrounding the tower is a platform splendidly adapted for observation, night illumination and marksmanship.
The backup air traffic control tower is also situated north of the main control tower, and is slightly lower.
Causes Analysis of Seal Failure and Improving Methods for Optical Glass in Methylamine Liquid Absorption Tower
In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower.
The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames.
Application of a Leveljib Tower Crane Substituting a Foldingjib Tower Crane in a Hyperbolic Curve Cooling Tower Project
when the air is exhausted by the adsorption tower, a filled molecular sieve is desorbed, and the oxygen is not provided.
吸附塔排气时, 所充填的分子筛解吸, 不提供氧气。
And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought against it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with fire.
And it allowed us to go back to first principles, and redefine fly tower, acoustic enclosure, light enclosure and so forth.
这让我们回到最初 重新设计舞台塔,音箱 灯光等
Analysis on Freeze Injury of Cooling Tower and its Prevention in Thermal Power Plant of Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau
Being the pearl of the ivory tower, we were used to acting without thinking in advance and eating without peeping at the dishes.
Analyses on the Causes of Spontaneous Combustion of the Packing Material in the Absorption Tower for Production of Yellow Prussiate.
The use of regular packing and new inner parts in the modification of cuprammonia tower, as well as related achievement are introduced.

单词 tower 释义

  • 单词释义:塔,楼塔;要害地;〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〈美〉铁路信号所  [更多..]



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