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单词 toss 例句大全,用单词toss造句:

Game front with toss the coin of way to decide that brigade first kickoff.
Wrap it in a tarp, weight it down with some bricks and toss it in the lake.
Others were foreigners so you toss about, who would come to invest here, ah!
人家外国人这样被你们折腾, 谁还敢来这里投资啊!
Of all wedding customs, the bouquet toss is arguably the most controversial.
The pairs toss a cloth ball back and forth, until one member drops the ball.
在对掷布球来回, 直到一名成员滴球。
Blanch all the vegetables and toss with butter. Season with salt and pepper.
And of those tonight in the upper chambers Who toss and sigh and cannot rest.
高楼当此夜, 叹息未应闲。
Would they really lean across the passenger seat to toss out a bottle of piss
To achieve an effective Ultimate Frisbee toss, the wind speed cant be too high.
为了能有效的投掷飞盘, 风速不能太快。
Just be careful not to prick yourself when you toss the bread into the garbage.
talking about this moment over the castle with the iron mantle, you toss it is.
在说这会儿城堡的上空有了铁纱罩, 你在折腾也没用。
Deng Jun lost the toss and the Diamond captain has decided to play with the wind.
Add in pasta, arugula, salt and pepper, toss gently and transfer to serving plates.
Toss with beaten egg until well combined, then place crabs on top rice cake and serve.
加入蛋液兜匀, 即可将蟹肉放在锅巴上享用。
Found pennies come from heaven that's what my grandpa told me, he said angels toss down.
爷爷曾对我说, 那可是来自天堂的硬币, 是天使所赐。
During the day, I'd perch on a knobby redwood buff and toss pieces of bark into a bucket.
And I think it behooves any man to toss all female troubles into the hands of a stranger.
Ma Xiaochun lost the toss and had to let Nie Weiping to start the game of go chess first.
Slice the beef fillet thickly, toss well with the sauce. Lastly garnish with fried garlic slices.
把牛柳切成厚条, 与汁拌匀或淋面, 最后洒上金黄蒜片享用。
The winner of the toss has the choice to serve first or receive first. The loser has the choice of ends.
Transfer the almonds to a large bowl. Sprinkle the sugar mixture over and toss until they are evenly coated.
With a good hand toss the SkyRunner starts off fine, but slowly loses altitude and calmly glides to a landing.
Why would any director toss away the tools of power and sorcery that the movies have spent a century developing?
Add celery and apple season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Crumble toasted pecans on top, and serve immediately.
Toss until coated. Divide the salad between two chilled plates and sprinkle each salad with the remaining Parmesan cheese and coarsely ground pepper.

单词 toss 释义

  • 单词释义:扔,抛;(使)摇荡;摇匀;掷硬币决定  [更多..]



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