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单词 toothbrush 例句大全,用单词toothbrush造句:

When baby teeth begin to appear, you can clean them with a wet tooth brush toothbrush.
当乳牙开始出现的时候, 你就可以用一个湿牙刷清洁它们了。
Recommending an usage to brush hair is softer, the toothbrush of top circle bluntness.
A toothbrush with an electric motor in the handle that vibrates the head of the brush.
buy product Napkin Holders, Range Top Drip Pans, Storage Products, Toothbrush Holders.
采购产品主要经营纸巾架, 贮藏用品, 牙刷架等产品。
and after rubbing the toothbrush handle to be smooth, polishing with a polishing agent.
将刷柄打磨光滑后, 用抛光剂进行抛光。
Remember only toothbrush just have good quality brush net shields health care function!
The gum bled so easily that brushing her teeth with a toothbrush was no longer possible.
Use a fluoride toothpaste and a softbristled toothbrush that fits your mouth comfortably.
I clean them with a toothbrush when they get dirty and always keep them manicured, she said.
The invention relates to a drive device for driving a brush element of an electric toothbrush.
I never remember to pack a toothbrush. At every hotel, I go to the front desk to get a new one.
我老是记不住带牙刷, 所以每到一个酒店就得与买新的。
Place the toothbrush almost vertically and brush the surfaces with the last few rows of bristles.
因此要把牙刷放直, 用牙刷末端的刷毛来刷。
Place the toothbrush horizontally against the chewing surfaces. Remember to brush the last molar.
刷时把牙刷放平, 谨记刷最后的那颗臼齿。
The utility model protects the enamel of the teeth and prolongs the service life of the toothbrush.
To practice the proper brush stroke, hold the toothbrush head at a 45degree angle toward your gums.
And keep your toothbrush away from the commode especially the powerful flush of toilets on airplanes.
把牙刷放得离便桶远一些, 尤其飞机上那种冲力很强的马桶。
Li Chuangfei, the man with a toothbrush moustache, now hurried elatedly back, his face bathed in sweat.
就在这时候, 那牙刷须的李壮飞一脸汗污兴冲冲地跑回来了。
The first cordless rechargeable electric toothbrush was introduced by General Electric at the same time.
Toothbrush is a breeding ground for bacteria, so sterilize toothbrush has become extremely important thing.
Toothbrush handle with brush the hair had better report the perpendicular or several near perpendicular form better.
When brushing the chewing surfaces, place the toothbrush horizontally. Make sure that every molar is thoroughly cleaned.
刷咀嚼面时, 就把牙刷放平, 没颗臼齿都要刷干净。
You can also lightly mist a natural basket and use a vegetable scrub brush or toothbrush to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
Restore it to its original shade of white by using a toothbrush dipped in undiluted white vinegar to scrub away the dinginess.
The electric toothbrush comprises a protecting cover, a rotary brush head, a rotating shaft, a power handle and a control switch.
它包括保护罩, 旋转刷头, 转轴, 动力手柄和控制开关。
The study reviewed literature examining the effects of using tongue scrapers to brush the tongue, rather than using a toothbrush to scrape the tongue.

单词 toothbrush 释义



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