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单词 title 例句大全,用单词title造句:

Greeting with Iranian, you need to address their surname with their academic or job title.
The title of the article follows the abstract number and is printed in boldface upper case.
Universities offer the opportunity to acquire a university education and an academic title.
Short of a title, he accomplished virtually everything a man could in the game of basketball.
In other words, a title number is a numeral corresponding to title identification information.
New title of Conqueror is now available for Horde players exalted with AV, AB and WSG factions.
If the title is too long to be printed on the seal , the standardized abbreviation is applicable.
如名称字数过多不易刻制, 可以采用规范化简称。
Author Last name, First name. Year. Title. Type of Working Paper working series title and number.
The Exclusiveness, Transferrableness of Title and the Establishment of Chinese Modern Title System
To all acquisition the unit of each honorary title and individual represent2001 year congratulation!
The Secretary for Financial Services moved an amendment to the long title and addressed the Committee.
财经事务司就详题动议修正案, 并向本委员会发言。
Three times he abdicated the throne, as such people cannot find an appropriate title to commend his deed.
他三次让位给别人, 人民都不知如何称颂他。
The properties of title adhesive comprising fully blocked isocyanate and polymer and additives was introduced.
The two contenders for the heavyweight title. The Academy never publishes or leaks its shortlist of contenders.
Title page The page that carries the title, author, and name of the publisher of the book. It is always a recto.
The title of Chapter 61 of Journey to the West is"Sun Wukong's three time acquiring of the palm-leaf fan."
Title Effect of Colchicine on Growth Rate and Accumulation of Catharanthine in Mutant Cells of Catharanthus roseus L.
Academic and scholastic ability is different from the abilities of learning ability and knowledge that the short title.
The English translation of the title of Chinese scientific paper is required to be accuracy, brevity and rhetorical appeal.
摘要论文标题的英译要忠实准确, 简练和优美。
A courtesy title is a form of address in systems of nobility used by children, formal wives, and other close relatives of a peer.
It can download any Franklin or Microsoft Reader title, has an Outlook-compatible calendar and address book and plays audio books.
The Reforming Focus of Title of a Technical or Professional Post Is Setting up Post According to Need and Engaging According to Post
Title Relationship between SOD Activity and Chlorophyll Content and Abnormal Defoliation of Soybean Leaves Exposed to Airborne Fluoride.
Even though the revolution of 1932 abolished the absolute monarchy, he holds the title aneknikon samoson sommut, cclaimed by the masses of the people.
In the 1990s Tsugio Makimoto and David Manners jointly wrote the first book with digital nomad in the title, adding the bewildering possibilities of the latest gadgets to the vision.

单词 title 释义

  • 单词释义:标题;头衔;[体]冠军;[影视]字幕;职位  [更多..]



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