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单词 tomato 例句大全,用单词tomato造句:

The Relationship between Fruit Storage Property and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Tomato
Crab avocado tomato and celeriac timbale salad with aromatic balsamic sauce and caviar
蟹肉色拉配以牛油果, 番茄, 芹菜, 鱼子酱佐以黑醋汁
The Relationship between Fruit Storage Property and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Tomato.
Baked Australian Beef Fillet, Tomato, Mushroom on Grilled Polenta with Green Vegetable.
Processing Technology of Cherry Tomato Preserves with Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation
Scientists had taken fish genes and added a tomato plant, creating a new type of tomato.
科学家粹取鱼的基因加入蕃茄作物中, 创造了新品种的蕃茄。
Add Suanban Baoxiang, Add tomatoes, tomato juice, and so on, just tune into a good sauce.
蒜瓣放入爆香, 放入番茄, 等番茄出汁, 倒进刚才调好的调料。
Correlation Analyses Between Resistance to Cladosporium Fulvum and PAL Activity in Tomato
Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tomato Mosaic Disease and Its Aphid Vectors
Study on the Allelopathy of Decomposed Plant Residues and Root Exudates of Processing Tomato
In addition the price such as leek, green Chinese onion, tomato all also presents rising state.
The Preservation Theory and Methods of Tomato Coated with an Edible Film at Ambient Temperature
Technique of Lateral Branch Cuttings Propagation of Tomato in Greenhouse During Autumn and Winter
It is OK that tomato has fresh tomato diuresis and exhaustion of purify leg ministry, reduce oedema.
Effects of Water Absorbant in Ability of Keeping up Fertility and Water of Substance and Tomato Growth
Relationship between Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes and Clod Tolerance of Postharvest Tomato Fruits
Cultivation Techniques of Cheery Tomato in Sunlight Greenhouse During Autumn and Winter in Qingwangchuan
Prepare tomato salsa by mixing tomato, garlic, onion basil leaves, lemon juice, olive oil and seasoning.
用开水烫过蔬菜和意大利面条, 再用橄榄油炒, 并进行调味。
Experiment Research of Aftereffect Function of Humic Acid Tomato Special Base Fertilizer on Cucumber Growth
Salt tolerance and assessment of salt tolerance indices of tomato varieties in sprout stage and seedling stage
Tomato paste is made of concentrated tomatoes, and only a small amount is needed to give a rich tomato flavor.
Tomato, belonging to the family of Solanaceae, is originally grown in the Andes mountain range in Ecuador, South America.
西红柿, 属茄科, 原产南美洲厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉。
Make juice sauce with the tomato like foreigner again, the acidity of the tomato is unfruitful also and wasteful good wine.
Isolation of Endophytic Bacteria Strain 102 in Tomato Plant and Its Efficiency in Growth Promotion and Suppression of R. Solanacearum
Residue Analysis of Eugenol in Tomato and Soil by HPLC Machine Proccessing of Remotely Sensed Data and Soil Information Systems and Remote Sensing and Sail Survey

单词 tomato 释义

  • 单词释义:番茄,西红柿;[俚语] 美女  [更多..]



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