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单词 timely 例句大全,用单词timely造句:

That the business data exposed to consumers is accurate, complete and timely.
The acceptance inspection should be held timely when each project is finished.
Adequate antibiotics and timely surgery made the infections resolve completely.
Agreed corrective actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner.
一致同意的教正措施应及时的, 以有效的方式完成。
I thank the President of the General Assembly for convening this timely debate.
Check up accounts for order with dealers to ensure payments are accurate and timely.
与经销商核对订单帐目, 保证付款的准确和及时。
To provide you with the most timely, authoritative, accurate and effective messages.
We have excellent sales team, accurate and timely logistics and distribution system.
Conduct the contract review and assign the production task to ensure timely delivery.
With advanced equipment, the scale of production, good quality, timely shipment period.
拥有设备先进, 规模性生产, 优良的品质, 及时的货期。
Timely respond to emergent service requirements, supply excellent service to accounts.
It is very important to predict preeclampsia and its complications timely and accurately.
Apple Computer was one of the startups that received a timely infusion of venture capital.
Timely order repairing parts, forklift, instruments, etc. upon approved purchase requests.
Exercising timely and appropriate control to promote stable and rapid economic development.
二适时适度调控, 促进经济平稳快速发展。
Issues and comments arising from the implementation shall be reported to headoffice timely.
Promote the timely submission of required reports for all approved grants to the Foundation.
Respond in a timely fashion to internal customers, when requests are made regarding accounts.
Prepare the recapitulation of all Front Office and Outlet Transactions accurately and timely.
All relevant departments should collect and analyse indicators in a timely fashion, she said.
她说, 所有相关部门应该及时收集并分析指标。
In addition, attention should also be checked in a timely manner after the brick paving joint.
另外, 砖铺贴之后还应注意及时勾缝。
sets of timely to blot out the nucleus Raphe Magnus adhesive and noncoated Board edge in spill.
套合时一律要涂抹中缝粘剂, 并不可涂溢在纸板边沿上。
Agreed corrective and preventative actions should be completed in a timely and effective manner.
In case of any shortfall, an election of additional independent supervisors shall be timely held.
独立监察人席次如有不足时, 应适时办理增补选事宜。
The timely payment of assessed contributions by Member States was also of fundamental importance.

单词 timely 释义



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