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单词 torso 例句大全,用单词torso造句:

Cassandra Pettibone was found by her maid early this morning with a knife sticking prominently from her upper torso.
凶器似乎是把古老的礼祭匕首, 很可能是精灵族流传下来的。
The rectus abdominus running from the chest down to the pubic bone creates a sheath around the torso to stabilize it.
Power is generated from the hips and torso. Use your shoulders for your recovery and to generate additional arm speed.
Hunch your torso, supporting your lower belly, and hold your breath for three to five seconds. Breathe out slowly. Repeat five times.
The coordination of internal and external relies on the spine in the torso. Up, down, left and right, the central Qi is the first concern.
内外相合管中线, 上下左右中气先。

单词 torso 释义

  • 单词释义:(人体的)躯干;躯干雕塑像;未完成的作品;残缺不全的东西  [更多..]



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