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单词 tonight 例句大全,用单词tonight造句:

My first guest tonight is famous for both her singing and acting talent.
The England team were a poor advertisement for European football tonight.
And you have all made me feel that I might have accomplished that tonight.
The key actor for tonight's show has fallen ill. Who can be his substitute?
If both New York and Ohio turn down the Amendment tonight, it will be dead.
The key actor for tonight's show has fallen ill. Who can be his substitute ?
今晚唱压轴的演员病了, 你们谁能救援?
The man with a flower on his chest is the leading actor in tonight's soiree.
You must make up the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.
You can bet those his aggression will be focemploy on the challenger tonight.
And of those tonight in the upper chambers Who toss and sigh and cannot rest.
高楼当此夜, 叹息未应闲。
Tonight, the last item on the theatrical programme was sung by popular actors.
Tonight, when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed
An old acquaintance of mine said he would be coming over tonight, so I cant go.
我的一个老相识说他今晚要来, 所以我去不成了。
So when you cast your vote tonight, kids, cast it for adventure, luxury, nature.
孩子们,今晚投票的时候 投给冒险精神 投给奢华,投给自然。
In accordance with your letter of yesterday,I am sending tonight 5 cases of whisky.
The motion for tonight's debate is: This House believes slavery should be abolished.
These accounts show no consistency. The forecast calls for snow flurries later tonight.
Tonight they will visit the classroom to become acquainted with the teaching materials.
She's after settling accounts with the overseer, but she'll be along for the ball tonight.
她正与管工在结帐, 不过今晚她会过来参加舞会的。
We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray, But hear the river say to its water adieu.
不知江月待何人 但见长江送流水
Don't worry, I won't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight.
Worth mentioning, tonight, let alone drunk I drink alone, which wine is rippling wave your shadow?
According to the weather report, there is thunderstorm tonight. Take care while driving on the road.
And the absence of systems that function break the connection which got you all in this seat tonight.
而体制的欠缺 足以摧毁让你们今晚得以坐在这里的联系。
The amorous moon shines the silky curtain, Lingering in my heart tonight, Tears on the pillow wet my desolate dream again, With chill shadows of clouds in my sight.
夜缠缠, 枕雨又湿凄梦影云寒。

单词 tonight 释义

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