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单词 watch 例句大全,用单词watch造句:

You can watch martial art performances, Peking Opera and acrobatic shows.
After the clockwork of the watch was cleaned the watch kept perfect time.
He is absolutely rock solid and it's scary to watch him stand next to Pau.
Joe looked at his watch and raised his eyebrow to acknowledge my timeliness.
A critic is a man whose watch is five minutes ahead of other people's watch.
And then watch this whole river bank, and watch how precise the synchrony is.
Barrister Sorry, my Lord. A digital watch is a watch worked by microelectronics.
I wanted to watch a DVD at home, instead of going to the theater to watch a film.
I accidentally dropped my watch to the ground from the balcony on the third floor.
The evaporation can be accelerated by heating the watch glass with a Bunsen burner.
At airport terminal I will watch out for his suitcase at all times during his absence.
在机场, 当他不在时我会时刻看著他的公事包。
This one, a little sketchy going backwards, and watch the back foot, watch the back foot.
There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night And lo!
野地里有牧羊的人, 夜间按着更次看管羊群。看哪!
There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night, And lo!
A watch over the body of a deceased person before burial, sometimes accompanied by festivity.
The thief's accomplise ran away at the sight of the police, abandoning his watch and his friend.
Want to find someone to accompany me to watch the sunrise sunset, and accompany me to the fugitive.
想要找个人陪莪看日出黄昏, 顺便陪莪亡命天涯。
The platinum watch with quartz accuracy and good durability is the honorable product of our factory.
Watch out for this email that must be a pirate account trying to steal your password to your account.
注意这个邮件如海盗账户一样, 会盗取你账户的密码。
Some computers are even small enough to be embedded in clothing or worn as a watch or other accessory.
Minister numerous go forward to watch in abundance, but does not have one to be able to say the answer.
众大臣纷纷上前观看, 但没有一个能够说出答案来。
A pocket watch is usually carried in the waistcoat pocket and attached to the clothing with a watch chain.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Because of its quartz accuracy and good durability, this kind of watch stands first on the list of many competitors.
Each song has a little liquid-crystal graphics display that accompanies it, and you can even edit those graphics using a program called Dance Producer that comes with the watch.

单词 watch 释义

  • 单词释义:看,注视,观察;照看;监视;当心,留意;对…保持关注  [更多..]



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