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单词 washroom 例句大全,用单词washroom造句:

It is impossible in the dense crowd to push through to the washroom.
Separation of dry and wet in the washroom shows humanized design completely.
卫生间干湿分离, 尽显人性化设计。
We were using the washroom next door and carrying water over in empty milk gallons.
我们借用着邻居的卫生间, 用空的牛奶壶取水。
The washroom shall be provided with liquid soap and disposable tissue or dry towel.
Pleas contact Housekeeping if there is any problem with the hair dryer in your washroom.
During a tour of the factory, he points out the conditions in the workers washroom. Its filthy.
在参观工厂时, 他指出工人卫生间的状况。
A multifunctional water tank for a urinal belongs to the urinal flush water tank for a washroom.
多用途便池用水箱, 属卫生间用便池冲水水箱。
A few days later, I was in urine emergency too, so I jumped up the bed and walked to the washroom.
后来有一次我也突然尿急, 我翻身起床去卫生间。
Dedicated research and development bringing real scientific understanding to the washroom environment.
Applying the Principle of the Vapor Phase Transformed into Liquid Phase to Analyze the Phenomenon that the Washroom Ceiling Drips

单词 washroom 释义

  • 单词释义:n.盥洗室,<美>厕所  [更多..]



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