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单词 was 例句大全,用单词was造句:

The best time to start this attack was when Germany was weakest, which was in December.
A further meeting was arranged for8 May but was postponed until, and was held on,21 May.
It was excellent. I really enjoyed it. It was a thrilling plot and the acting was superb.
She was so nervous when she was introduced to the famous actress, that she was tonguetied.
Lao Liu was talkative, but I was not. I felt nervous all the time, and my brain was blank.
The boatman was just guiding it, there was no effort, for the wind was doing all the work.
在风的吹送下, 船夫没有努力, 只是掌舵。
He was intelligent as a child, and was taught to read and write when he was five years old.
So I definitely was amazed that there was something like that available that was God's word.
我确实非常吃惊, 我得到的那些东西是神的道。
When I was doing mandarin, there was of course a lot times where I was stuffed with awkward.
He was released, but then a day or two later, he was taken to the airport and he was deported.
He was not looking for approval or was not worrying about whether someone was watching or not.
One day, the king was bitten by a dog, the finger was injured and the wound was getting worse.
某日, 君王被狗咬了指头一口, 受了伤, 而且越来越严重。
I was looking for somebody who was Jewish, because that's what I am and that was important to me.
我要找 犹太人 因为我本身也是 这点很重要
I was about to call on you. I was just going to call on you. I was on the point of calling on you.
The victim was found lying dead on the river bank. Yue Fei was only39 at the time he was executed.
An artificial mountain was made, turf was ! aid, a promenade was built and a bridge was constructed.
有一座人造山, 铺着草坪, 还有一个散步场所和一座桥。
The reason of his death was that the middle of his back was badly injured, and it was beyond salvage.
The bath was small and that was a bit disappointing but there was plenty of hot water from the shower.
浴缸很小, 有点让人失望, 但是热水供应很充足。
The door was ajar, and the knocking was little more than a gesture of courtesy. His adversary was here.
And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich.
We have information about things like where was it published, who was the author, when was it published.
我们掌握了这些书的出版地 作者 出版时间等信息
The water supply was sporadic, there were possums living in the basement, the grass was taller than I was.
Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.
The stimulus that was actually approved was much smaller than the demand shortfall it was meant to address.
As it was, she was so full of food and so tightly laced that she feared every moment she was going to belch.

单词 was 释义

  • 单词释义:用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质( be的过去式 );在,存在;不受干扰  [更多..]



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