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单词 washing 例句大全,用单词washing造句:

Clinical Study of Washing Stomach after Trachea Intubation in Patients with Severe Acute Poisoning
Estimation of annual sediment load and washing aggradation measures in downstream of Tumenjiang river
Observation on the Curative Effect of Acupuncture and Washing of TCM Combined on the Pain of Calcaneum
Quality conditions of BF gas washing water and additional water in Angang are analyzed in experiments.
The product is a concentrated low foam and neutral general purpose rinse additive machine ware washing.
The washing by lowconcentration alkali solution could be used to aid bleaching of the dryrendered lard.
The application of the inner washing in connection with outer diffusion washing for the continuous digester
A new method has been used to simulate the actual blank holding process in deep drawing of a washing trough.
He pulled distastefully at his grey shirt and wondered whether he might undertake the adventure of washing it.
It adopts special filtering core transmission washing device to make the filtering core washing result better.
Application of sodium pyrophosphate and carbon dioxide well washing in the water supply wells of Tianhe Airport.
A Study on Making Activated Carbon through Adding Additive in Datong Coals and Lower the Ash through Acid Washing
The emulsification property of soybean protein isolates prepared with alcohol washing soybean meals were studied.
All our workers are experts in washing and waxing. Our steam washing is operated by a computer controlled machine.
Ore washing machine is divided into the single spiral ore washing machine and the double helix ore washing machine.
As a new generation of washing article, this product integrates washing, softening, and mothresistance into a whole.
After washing apply this cream on the face and then gently rub the face or skin until thecream is completely absorbed.
abstract Objective To evaluate the status quo of washing hands and to investigate the means of improving hand hygiene.
Clothing. Clothing accessories. Coloured buttons. Test on the resistance of the colouring to washing using a detergent.
This paper described actual application of dynawave washing technique in acid making purifcation system by smelting fume.
Technique Reconstruction of Kailuan Coal Washing Plant for Constructing Domestic Topping Coal Washing and Processing Base
Is the PreArrival Crude Oil Washing Checklist, as contained in the approved Crude Oil Washing Manual, satisfactorily completed
The utility model discloses a water temp. Rapidly controlling and adjusting valve, which is applicable to showering and washing equipment.
一种水温速控速调阀, 适于淋浴和洗设备中使用。
The inner bottom surface of the washing barrel is flat, the washing barrel can be easily washed, and fruit and vegetable can be better protected.
洗涤桶内底面平整, 洗涤桶容易清洗, 且更好的保护了果蔬。
Bad deeds consisted of being disloyal, unfilial, gaining advantage at the expense of others or burning incense in front of the ancestral tablets without first washing your hands.
不忠, 不孝, 损人利己, 不洗手就在祖宗牌位前上香之类。

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