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单词 vowel 例句大全,用单词vowel造句:

The vowel system of Dari differs from that of Farsi, and Dari also has additional consonants.
Conclusion The discrimination rate in common language of Chinese was lower than that of vowel.
choose the consonant, single vowel and compound vowel, and select the required chinese character.
a diacritical mark placed above a vowel to indicate a long sound or phonetic value in pronunciation
Result There is difference among the group of age, sex and vowel in most acoustic parameters in the adults.
A separating device separates the lead consonant component and the subsequent vowel component from each other.
most English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel
Mother tongue and the first foreign language both transfer the vowel pronunciation of the second foreign language.
The evolution tells us the truth that there exists a vowel weakening phenomenon in Tocharian which is quite common.
The pronunciation aspect, in the syllable structure the vowel gets the advantage, each syllable all has the intonation
语音方面, 音节结构中元音占优势, 每个音节都有声调
Syllable duration, vowel reduction, linking duration, and consonant cluster duration were acoustically measured and compared.
在语言类型分类上, 国语是声调语言, 以音节时长为导向
Secondly, this paper holds the view that the high vowel cracking formation is the result of the opposition sound rather than strata.
There are basically two types of linking. One is that we link words ending with a consonant sound towards beginning with a vowel sound.
To mark plurality one language may add an extra syllable to the word whereas another may simply change the vowel in the existing final syllable.

单词 vowel 释义



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