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单词 warm 例句大全,用单词warm造句:

Stained glass is beautiful and makes a warm addition to almost any home.
Prefer touse warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel.
So, I feel delightful with these warm wishes and absolutely appreciate that.
所以, 这些热情的祝福让我的节日更添喜气, 十分感谢大家。
Have the person drink a warm, nonalcoholic beverage to help warm the body.
She had, she said, been aboard a great ship and carried off to a warm country.
她被人抓到一艘大船上, 然后被运到一个温暖的国度。
Members of AFDC are being granted a warm welcome by people in Tongzhou, Beijing
In winter, give the abb that a warm color hangs on the head of a bed, wall arras
在冬季, 给床头, 墙上挂一幅暖色的羊毛挂毯
the warm water samples and the cold water samples, in terms of abundant species.
与冷海水中的样品 在物种的丰富程度上具有极大的差异
In this warm family, I feel the love and acceptance, are willing to pay my love.
在这温暖的大家庭中, 我感受到爱与接纳, 也愿意付出我的爱。
Thus the warm glow that accompanies charitable giving has a physiological basis.
He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.
An extremely warm look, deep on the dark side, that will not punish your actors.
一个极其热烈期待, 深的黑暗的一面, 不会惩罚你的角色。
77 Cases of Dysmenorrhea Treated with Thread Burial Therapy and Warm Acupuncture
Add the warm gelatine mixture into the cream and beat until the stiff peak forms.
将吉利液加入, 然后搅拌干硬性发泡。
To observe the effect of massage and local warm acupuncture on piriformis syndrome.
The western Pacific warm pool is mainly contributed by zonal temperature advection.
在赤道西太平洋暖池, 温度的纬向对流有很大的贡献。
Let me first of all extend a warm welcome to our American friends coming from afar.
Rooms are warm and cosy, complete facilities and seperate broadband internet access.
客房不仅布置典雅华贵, 而且设施设备全。
And poetic quality shows warm interest about pastoral and distant aesthetic interest.
Both cinnamon and ginger are warm and hot herbs, improve circulation and warm the body.
肉桂和姜都是温热药材, 能祛寒暖胃, 促进血液循环。
The polished specimens were washed in distilled water and acetone, and dried in warm air.
清洗抛光标本在蒸馏水和丙酮, 在温暖的空气干燥。
When melted chocolate is slightly warm add in eggs, stirring thoroughly in each addition.
待朱古力溶液微暖, 将蛋液分数次下, 搅至混合。
A training mode helps warm your thumbs and gets the adrenaline flowing to help you score.
Today cloud, it justs like in the spring the genial warm wind, for human warm feeling
Origin and influence of academic contending from cold school and warm school of paediatric

单词 warm 释义

  • 单词释义:温暖的,暖和的;保暖的;热心的,友好的;暖色调的  [更多..]



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