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单词 want 例句大全,用单词want造句:

I want to go to Montreal for a while, and then anywhere you want to.
我想先去蒙特利尔住一阵子, 然后你想去哪里就去哪里。
Candice I dont want to be a movie star.I want to be an astronomer!
What do you want, Bob ?I have a ruler. I want a pencil case, please.
You want to eat cream now? You want to eat ice cream in the evening?
You want boot cut, you want tapered, blah blah blah On and on he went.
My parents want to send him to summer camp, but he doesn't want to go.
You want button fly or zipper fly? You want stonewashed or acid washed?
Ross Ahem. I want OK, I want to. feel your. hot, soft skin with my lips.
恩。我想。好吧, 我想要。用我的双唇感觉你那。火热, 柔软的皮肤。
I don't want to talk only about this game. I want to talk about coaching.
Tomorrow I want to go to the balloon festival, do you want to come with me
We want poise, self confidence, and lots of friends we want to be accepted.
我们需要平衡, 自信和朋友, 我们更期盼被人接受。
You want me to be the babysitter, but you want me to be deaf and blind too?
你要我来当保姆, 而且也要我充耳不闻对吧?
Tomorrow I want to go to the balloon festival, do you want to come with me?
No Award Blackout Dates, Members can redeem where they want, when they want.
兑换奖励无截止日期, 随时随地都可兑换
What they want in their careers. The, kind of partners they want, if at all.
想要怎样的事业 如果要结婚的话,找什么样的伴侣
Immodest words admit but this defense, That want of modesty is want of sense.
I don't want to hear from you, and I don't want you anywhere near her funeral.
All of us want to move up in our careers, but does your boss want that for you?
I don't want a change!I want Swiss cheese. Why am I always being contradicted ?
我不想换口味!我要吃瑞士乳酪, 为什么总要跟我闹别扭。
What you want, what you want, what you want, is passion. It is beyond interest.
We want to thank You in advance, and we honestly want to offer all glory to You.
我们要先感谢您, 我们也诚心地想要把所有的荣耀都献给您。
You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.
I want to learn Calla indomitable spirit, I want to learn it never yield quality.
我要学习马蹄莲顽强的精神, 我要学习它永不屈服的品质。
Now I want to be God, I want to be good, and I want to be noble, so then just go.
Maybe you want a book about Los Angeles, or do you want an American History book ?

单词 want 释义

  • 单词释义:想要;希望;打算;需要…在场  [更多..]



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