With the whole meetiong in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote.
整个会议吵吵闹闹, 主席放弃了付诸表决得企图。
The vote of the General Assembly is therefore an accurate barometer of world opinion.
因此, 大会的投票准确地反映了世界舆论。
A vote in favour of the admission of a state to the UN amounts to implied recognition
Vote to abolish the monarchy and become a republic, since then, this day National Day.
Kosovo Serb Assembly members participated in the vote, although they voted to abstain.
The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XIX, as orally corrected, without a vote.
The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote.
Even an additional part of the risk to vote accordingto family income to adjust itself.
The agenda and programme of work were adopted without a vote. For the agenda, see annex II.
议程和工作安排未经表决获得通过, 议程见附件二。
A negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization.
Statements were also made in explanation of the vote, after the vote, by Algeria and Morocco.
Registered Users can additionally post, reply, edit their posts, and create and vote in polls.
Make noise or disturb or induce others to vote or not to vote, and do not obey the persuasion.
在场喧嚷或干扰劝诱他人投票或不投票, 不服制止者。
My delegation will abstain in the separate vote on those two paragraphs of the draft resolution.
They are entitled to vote and to be elected in accordance with the conditions prescribed by law.
A statement in explanation of vote before the vote was made by the representative of Bangladesh.
In the circumstances, we have no alternative but to abstain in the vote on this draft resolution.
The vote was tied and a local union leader used his casting vote in favour of the return to work.
referendum, The submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote.
Ms Lincoln was one of only three Democrats to vote with Republicans to block the bills advancement.
The vote followed calls by some British academics last year to ostracize their Israeli counterparts.
Statements in explanation of vote before the vote were made by Australia and the Russian Federation.
attempt to obtain information, or disclose any knowledge acquired in respect of the vote of any elector.
Statements were made by the representatives of Jamaica and Botswana in explanation of vote after the vote.
And in the general election, it's the citizens who get to vote, but in the Lester election, it's the Lesters who get to vote.
在大選中,是由公民投票 但在萊斯特選是由萊斯特們投票