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单词 volume 例句大全,用单词volume造句:

Mixed with silica fume and silica fume to minus the volume of the same volume of sand and gravel.
With the formation and accumulation of nutrient substance, the volume of oocyte increased visibly.
因营养物质的不断合成和积累, 卵母细胞明显增大。
The pressure of a gas is proportional to its absolute temperature when its volume remains constant.
How to Bring the Abnormal Methane Discharge Volume Under Control in Integrated Excavated Working Face
This volume continues the discussion of particle accelerator physics beyond the introduction in Vol I.
According to the condition of the fish, the fish farm's production volume this year will not decrease.
When you export a volume group, the whole volume group becomes unavailable until it is imported again.
导出一个卷组之后, 整个卷组就不再可用, 直到再次导入。
Analyze the target volume before you install large applications and defragment the volume if necessary.
Submission of proof of business volume at the time of renewal will allow determination of the actual fee.
Investigation into Volume Visualization Technique of Inclined Volume Element in Composing Corrode Images.
Accordingly, volume weight of cake starter is defined as one of the physiochemical property indexes of Daqu.
因此, 将曲块容重设定为大曲理化特征指标。
But a test of reaction instrument physical volume that this time design is small, measuring the accuracy high.
而本次设计的反应灵敏度测试仪器体积小, 测量精度高。
Coercive Force and Effective Activation Volume in Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Recording Materials
First, over the last decade the volume of world trade has grown at a faster rate than the volume of world output.
Research of the Iron and Steel Logistics Demand Forecasting Methods Dased on the Value and the Actual Volume of Goods
According to the condition of the fish this year, production volume will definitely be higher than those of past years.
A Discussion on the Difference between the Set Tide Volume and the Actual Delivered Tide Volume in the Respiratory Care
Based on this we calculate every years water volume, the result shows it inosculate basically with the actual observations.
Dry seeds absorb water by imbibition, initially via the testa, and as seed volume increases great imbibitional pressures develop.
The actual flue gas volume and the concentration of oxygen is inversely proportional, and excess air coefficient is proportional.
而实际烟气量与氧浓度成反比, 与过剩空气系数成正比。
Thyroid full volume, residual volume and residual rate showed linear positive correlation with the postoperative thyroid function.
Relations of hole diameter, distance between adjacent holes, and flow volume of trunk to distribution of flow volume were discussed.
Influence of acupuncture occasion, acupuncture manipulation and stimulation volume on the curative effects of acupuncture for facial neuritis
Research on Establishment of Dual Volume Table and Timber Volume Table of Pinus Massoniana and Cunninghamia Lanceolata Plantations in Guizhou Province
Secondly, the tenth volume of Collected Rites of Jin Dynasty is copied from General Institutions, and the tenth volume cannt be regarded as the evidence for offerring sacrifices of Jin Dynasty to village god on square hillock.
二, 大金集礼卷十抄自通典, 不可为大金方丘仪之证。

单词 volume 释义

  • 单词释义:体积;音量;一卷;合订本  [更多..]



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