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单词 volt 例句大全,用单词volt造句:

A unit of electrical current flow. The current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm.
电流的单位, 在电阻上施加一定的电压, 形成电流。
The unit of electric current is the ampere , the unit of resistance is the ohm , the unit of voltage in the volt.
电流的单位是安培, 电阻的单位是欧姆, 电压的单位是伏特。
The centimeter gram second electromagnetic unit of potential difference, equal to one hundred millionth of a volt.
电磁伏特厘米克秒制势差的电磁单位, 相当于亿分之一伏特

单词 volt 释义

  • 单词释义:伏特;[马术]环骑;[剑]闪避  [更多..]



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