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单词 weirdness 例句大全,用单词weirdness造句:

Everything's closing in, weirdness on the periphery.
But that's not the end of the weirdness feasible in evolutionary systems.
Ultimately, there's a quantum level where we have to delve into this weirdness.
最后,我们得在量子的层面上 来探究这领域的神秘之处。
A lay person might count boredom and natural weirdness as the most likely fuel for fantasies.
Your feelings will actually reinforce your new behaviours and feelings of weirdness will dissipate.
not a relationship that's based on the traditional sort of donor beneficiary weirdness that can happen.
而不是以前那种基于 捐款人和受款人 那种古怪的关系
On top of that weirdness, magnetars have the added quirk of possessing extremely strong magnetic fields.
最奇怪的是, 磁星竟然拥有极强的磁场。

单词 weirdness 释义



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