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单词 wealth 例句大全,用单词wealth造句:

Wang should change the concept of financial management, focus on wealth accumulation.
小王首先应转变理财观念, 注重财富积累。
The miner's instinct of wealth acquired in a single night prevailed, in spite of all.
We will accelerate tax reform as an urgent mechanism for the redistribution of wealth.
On the other hand, you do not, others will be missing from the accumulation of wealth.
反之, 没有你, 其他人也就缺少了财富积累中的一环。
You will rule him entirely, I am sure, with your beauty and wealth and accomplishments.
so you need a story where people also care about wealth accumulation for other reasons.
这里需要一个理由 人们还需要 关注财富积累的其他理由。
Studies have been carried out on people who acquired sudden wealth, as lottery winners.
研究针对是那些突然获得财富的人, 如中了彩券的人。
We may be at the top of the list when it comes to influencing access to personal wealth.
当谈到个人创富的时候 我们的学校也许排在前列
All of these people are operating companies often view the precious wealth accumulation.
Will the wealth gap just keep widening as they hoard their wealth instead of sharing it?
随着他们聚积财富而非分享它们, 财富鸿沟会不断拓宽吗?
True wealth is the peace of mind attained from applying one's wealth to benefit humankind.
To understand the classics clearly, is a far Better achievement than the amassing of wealth
积金千两, 不如明解经书
Having struggled in commercial seamanship for several years, he has accumulated much wealth.
投身商海十几年, 他积攒了不少财富。
In Order to Accumulate Wealth, Jiang Jieshi Secretly Took Part in Drug Dealing and Producing
An abundance of material possessions and resources. mineral deposits, resources, wealth, etc.
time is the wealth of change, but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.
External wealth is comprised of worldly possessions whereas internal wealth concerns our body.
外财是身外之物, 内财就是身体。
In the course of rich and vibrant practice,we have accumulated a wealth of valuable experience.
Tulip with its wealth of information resources for teachers and students Shanyou large accepted.
In the course of rich and vibrant practice, we have accumulated a wealth of valuable experience.
To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, But to spend it wisely most difficult of all.
She is also entitled the Wealth Treasure Buddhist Mother, Wealth Continuing Buddhist Mother, Treasure Source Tara.
Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.
What we've been finding across dozens of studies and thousands of participants across this country is that as a person's levels of wealth increase.
全国范围内的 大量研究都表明 当一个人的财富增加时
During this time of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, we wish both our new customers and old customers good health and abundant wealth.

单词 wealth 释义

  • 单词释义:财富,财产;大量,丰富  [更多..]



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