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单词 waxy 例句大全,用单词waxy造句:

Temperature drop calculation of waxy crude in a buried pipeline after shutdown using enthalpy formulation
Each and every crayon in a childs Crayola box consists of paraffin wax, a waxy solid made from petroleum.
Wash eggplant and cut it, mixed with a little dry starch, fried eggplant soft waxy to remove the oil Lek.
茄子洗净切条后, 拌少许干淀粉, 入锅炸至茄条软糯捞出沥油。
Study on relations between fall sowing time, accumulated temperature and fresh ear yield of table waxy corn
Study on the relation between suitable harvest period and effective accumulative temperature in fresh waxy corn
Performance of fresh eating waxy maize variety Xiangbainuo in experiment and its high yield cultivation techniques
The Approximate Formula for the Specific Heat Volume of Waxy Crude and the Axial Temperature Drop of Heated Oil Pipeline
The waxy solid, assumes the olive green to the bottle green, regards the magnesium quantity which unifies but to decide, brings differently to be smelly slightly
蜡状固体, 呈橄榄绿至深绿色, 视所结合的镁量而定, 略带异臭

单词 waxy 释义

  • 单词释义:像蜡的;蜡色的;苍白的;光滑的  [更多..]



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