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单词 vocal 例句大全,用单词vocal造句:

On the audition day, you are required first to demonstrate your vocal range and ability.
在试音当日, 申请者首先是测试音域。
On the creating technique and the artistic image of the vocal suit A Beautiful Mill Girl
a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract.
The vocalising of teaching material is a part could not absent in vocal teaching program.
A Clinical Study on Anesthesia in the Suspensive Laryngoscopy Vocal Neoplasm Enucleation.
Voice acoustic assessment of children with hoarse ness and hyperplasia diseases of vocal folds
A vocal tract length normalization method based on the bilinear frequency warping is proposed.
A Pilot Practice of Teaching the Text of a Song in Accordance with Its Situation in Vocal Music
This pedagogy is still being used in actual vocal music teaching, although centuries have passed.
She would go on to win numerous awards for vocal performance and was clearly an American treasure.
她的歌声是美国的财富, 并将继续赢取无数奖项。
Representatives of the Swedish music industry have been vocal in their criticism of The Pirate Bay.
Application of jetting atomizing inhalation for postoperative polyp of cord and vocal nodule patients
Clinical Analysis of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Therapy for 32 Patients with Vocal Polyp or Vocal Nodules.
The Value of a Assistance Treatment with Semiconductor Laser on Polyp of Vocal Cord Following Operation.
The Relationship among the Bel canto the Popular Singing and the Folk Singing and their Vocal Principles
This dissertation deals with the causes of hoarse voice from three aspects and how to protect vocal organs.
When docked into the digital paper tablet, your vocal harmonies are automatically transcribed into a score.
To investigate the value of vocal fold abduction for vocal cord paralysis through the suspension laryngoscopy.
The Articulation and Pronunciation in National Vocal Music A Brief Talk on Articulation and Vocalism in Singing
On the Importance of Developing the Ability of Piano Accompaniment for Vocal Music Teachers at Normal University
Being Roman Tam's student, people had high expectations for this newcomer's songs and vocal performance on the album.
作为罗文的学生, 人们对这个新人的歌曲有著很高的期望。
Observation of the parameters of acoustic analysis in patients after small vocal polyp operation with voice rest and no rest
Treating Adductor Vocal Cord Paralysis With Fenestration Procedure by the Side of Thyroid Cartilage and Inserting Sternohyoid Stalk
Vocal folds are two small bundles of specialized tissue, sometimes called vocal cords, that protrude pouchlike from the walls of the larynx.
Interestingly enough, despite her strong cockney accent and vernacular, one can often hear aspects of each of those singers vocal repertoire in Winehouses own voice.
尽管如此, 她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。

单词 vocal 释义

  • 单词释义:声音的,嗓音的;由嗓音发出或产生的;有声音的,能发出声音或语言的;畅所欲言的  [更多..]



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