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单词 wart 例句大全,用单词wart造句:

Flat wart is generally superficial, or sometimes a slight itching.
扁平疣一般是不痛不痒得, 或偶有轻微痒感。
Remember when we saw those lions fighting over the wart hog carcass?
Do you know what to look for in an effective genital wart treatment?
你知不知道是什么, 寻找一种有效的生殖器疣的待遇?
What does the medicaments with remedial acuteness wet best wart have?
Remember when we saw those lions fighting over the wart hog carcass ?
记得我们看到那些狮子同野猪打仗得场景 吗?
What does the medicaments with remedial acuteness wet best wart have ?
Grow on hand of 9 years old of children excuse me many wart are treated
Shes a worry wart, spending most of her time fretting about getting fired.
What you will want to do is apply a small amount of castor oil to your wart.
你会想要做的就是申请一个小数目, 蓖麻油到您的疣。
Treatment of Multiple Palmar and Plantar Wart by External Washing with Euphorbia
Can mole of inherent wart shape treat dispel through Chinese traditional medicine
With interferon external use, tu Yu affected part, can you treat acuteness wet wart
Repeat for several days until the acids in the lemon juice dissolve the wart completely.
Acetic acid white test is positive besides it is acuteness wart, still have other reasons
醋酸白试验阳性除了是尖锐湿疣, 还有其他得原因吗
Next time, try this Apply a dab of lemon juice directly to the wart, using a cotton swab.
下一次, 试试这个用药棉蘸柠檬汁涂在疣上。
Acetic acid white test is positive besides it is acuteness wart, still have other reasons.
The rate of detection from the wart's tissue is higher than that of the skin lesion sample.
The capsule is long and round, smooth or have wart, the afterbirth is carried and fractured.
Granular warts back between the small scales are evenly spread of miscellaneous large wart scales.
Have ruinous to verrucous body medicaments to be able to be used at the cure of acuteness wet wart.
Typical acuteness wet wart does not need lab examination to be able to make examine break commonly.
Observation on Effectiveness and Pathology of the Treatment of Flat Wart by Auto Wart Subcutaneous Implantation
Clinical observation on patients with subungual wart treated by local blocking plus acupuncture and external applying of iodine tincture

单词 wart 释义

  • 单词释义:疣,肉赘;[植]树瘤;<俚>讨厌的人;瑕疵,缺点  [更多..]



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