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单词 wager 例句大全,用单词wager造句:

I would wager that their IQ is exactly the same as the average evolutionist.
To reduce the numbers of coins continue clicking and the wager value lowers.
He not only spend lavishly, and good wager, the good wine is greedy for a cup.
他不仅挥霍无度, 而且好赌, 好酒贪杯。
I'm prepared to wager on the possibility of finding empty seats at the theatre.
l embrace it freely and will this brothers wager frankly play. Give us the sword!
哈我希望和这位兄弟, 自由, 公平的比赛。给我们剑。
To double down means to double the initial wager and receive exactly one more card.
The two number combination bets consist of placing a wager on any 0 dice combinations.
Plenty of people consider the Brazilian real to be a reasonably safe wager, for instance.
Begins the second betting round by increasing your wager and showing the dealers full hand.
第二轮得下注, 迫使庄家亮出全部得牌。
Though we fail our wager, since then we have been aware that the future is lasting and perpetual.
Strictly prohibit to wager. the disobey will be quit, the serious of the plot will be fired out.
The wager window follows the same rules as the trade window No Trade items are not allowed, etc.
Colonel patriarch Johnson Somewhere where I crapper wager you reaching from a daylong artefact off.
What are you saying? I never heard the name in my life, I'll wager anything it is not in the calendar!
This virtually lets the Hong open to think that Lin Yue turned sex, not the wager stone changed to go fishing.
But I would wager that a relatively small percentage of the crowd actually consists of diehard horse racing fans.

单词 wager 释义

  • 单词释义:赌金,赌注;赌物;赌博  [更多..]



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