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单词 in direction 例句大全,用单词in direction造句:

You should be aware that the Euro exchange rate could move in an adverse direction .
New Direction of Feminie Consciousness in the Eighteen Years Written by Zhang Ailing
Capital Accumulation and Flow Direction of Lianghuai Salt Merchants in Qianlong Years
In the radial direction of the ingot, the alloy element distribution is very uniform.
Part two deals with the substance and the direction in the future of airline industry.
The normal stress acting in any random direction can be obtained in the following way.
They expend the entire amount of their allowance, in subscriptions, under my direction.
In embodiment3, it is assumed that seven plot data pieces are stored in each direction.
Diffusion of glucose in bovine AF is dependent on strain and the direction of diffusion.
Analysis of Principle of Altering Direction and Amplitude Modulation in Plate Compactor.
Accurate carrier phase measurement is an important research direction in precise ranging.
Adjusting and Driving Solve and Stop up Changing Direction of Water Flooding in W95 Block
ALL THE MAGIC properties of quantum strings point in one direction strings abhor infinity.
Chapter Four studies loss of direction in life, exemplified particularly by Edmund Tyrone.
第四章论述生活方向得迷失, 埃德蒙蒂龙是其典型代表。
To have a tendency to veer in the direction of the wind. Used of an aircraft or a missile.
Net addiction is not the child's fault, but today's network development in wrong direction!
Turkmenistan has acquired a new direction in industrial development in the textile industry.
wind in the upper atmosphere blowing above but in the opposite direction from the trade winds
在大气上层移动的风, 风向和信风相反
In addition, in order to know the direction of air currents well, we made filament experiment.
另外, 为了清楚室内气流流向, 进行了飘丝实验。
This direction is measured in an anticlockwise manner, just like that presented in a star map.
wind in the upper atmosphere blowing above but in the opposite direction from the trade winds.
在大气上层移动的风, 风向和贸易风相反。
What we lack in our work now is a guideline, and that's why we can't find an aim and direction.
When our friends are depressed it isn't a big problem if they vent their anger in our direction.
No ties of relationship or affection prevented her from exercising her talents in this direction.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please follow the links and direction below to begin.
在此感谢您的参与, 并请根随下面的连接及指示开始。
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