An avoidable absence from church is an infallible evidence of spiritual decay.
The society gives our appraisal is Selfish, oneself, thinks oneself infallible.
Not an infallible one, and certainly no substitute for an indepth investigation.
Society as a whole tends to put too much faith in these supposedly infallible machines.
总的来说, 社会过分地相信这些所谓不会出错的机器。
When he did happen to do so, his shooting was something so infallible as to inspire terror.
偶开一枪, 却从无虚发, 使人惊叹。
Love and toothache have many cures, but none infallible, except possession and dispossession.
爱情和牙痛有多种疗法, 但无一可靠, 要么留着, 要么除去。
Love and toothache have many cures, but none infallible, except possession and dispossession.
Love and toothache have many cures, but none infallible, except possession and dispossession.
虚假的朋友就像影子, 只有当太阳照耀时才伴随在你身边。
Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible.