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单词 IMAGES 例句大全,用单词IMAGES造句:

An Algorithm for Determining Parallax of Aerial Images Based on Histograms of Edges and Grads
the bartender is agog at the images, but I quickly get rid of him with an order for Yak milk.
酒保凑过来想看照片, 我赶紧点了牦牛奶, 将他打发走。
Registration accuracy is the key marker for theevaluation of multimodality images integration.
Hierarchical overlapped block disparity estimation and adaptive compensation for stereo images
I have attached images of few of the loose stones and Pendants of fine quality dendritic agate.
This paper represents a specific method for restoration of images of airborne radiometric data.
An Interpretation of Aesthetic Images in Guqin Music from View point of Feeling and Scene Theory
Archetypal images introduce the images of serpent, forest and the antithesis of white and black.
It is accompanied by a digital soundtrack of piano and flute music, and all images are captioned.
Scanned images are more easily accepted by page composition software if converted into TIFF files.
若把扫描影像转为标影式档案, 则更易置入排版软件内。
Make a note of the resolutions of the default images and ensure that your replacement images match.
In one embodiment of estimating the disparity, initially, a stereoscopic pair of images is acquired.
在估计视差的一个实施例中, 最初, 获取立体图像对。
The pad, carrying the images, moved to a position directly over the images by the motion of stamping.
Academics came up with the startling images after throwing away 500 years of conventional cartography.
学者们抛弃了500年的传统制图法, 绘制出了惊人的图像。
According to documents and images recorded legacy, Sheng is the typical accessories of the west queen.
据遗留的文献和图像记载, 胜这一型模是西王母的典型配饰。
Noise reduction for interferometric phase images in synthetic aperture sonar is addressed in this paper.
traditional cultural Symbols cultural heritages regionalism design architectural semiotics aesthetic images
Experimental results indicate that this system is able to detect various abnormality in colonoscopic images.
Although this problem has exact solution for continuous images, in the case of digital images, it is ill posed.
Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not contain any lewd or indecent images or language.
The immaculately drawn images and historical accuracy permit the artist to move into the realm of the improbable.
精细的刻画, 准确的历史细节使画家徜徉于虚幻的国度。
In this paper, fresh in vitro porcine liver tissues were heated in waterbath and the ultrasound images were acquired.
A Study of the Actual Image and the Illusive Image in Classical Chinese Arts in the Light of the Images of Chinese Characters
In some instances, not setting an images alternate text is appropriate, as in the case of images used for graphical formatting.
在某些情况下, 不应设置图像的备用文本。
Wildcat and carmen,whose individualities and living communities of different social eras,were two similar but absolutely not equivalent literary images.

单词 IMAGES 释义

  • 单词释义:Improving Morale And Giving Excellent Service 鼓舞士气与给予卓越服务  [更多..]



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