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单词 hide away 例句大全,用单词hide away造句:

Don't sneak away and hide.
No sacred place to hide away.
She turn away to hide her blush.
她扭过脸, 怕人见她脸红。
Jane turns away to hide her blush.
They can run away and hide from it.
He turned away to hide his blushes.
他转过身去, 不让人看见他脸红。
She faced away to hide her blushes.
她把脸转过去, 使人看不见她脸红。
You can run away but you cant hide.
She turned away to hide her blushes.
她转过身去, 不让人看见她两颊绯红。
Susan faced away to hide her blushes.
Elizabeth turned away to hide a smile.
伊丽莎白掉过头去, 免得人家看见她发笑。
You know there's no need to hide away.
You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide.
A package of razor blades doesnt run away and hide.
Dum DiddlyHiDee Dum DiddlyAye, where can you hide away
嗒姆滴哩嗨滴, 嗒姆滴哩哎, 你能躲到哪里去?
Shine! Bereaver of sleep, ere black clouds hide thee away.
Shine! Bereaver of sleep, ere black clouds hide thee away.
Sarah was overcome with embarrassment. She faced away to hide her blushes.
萨拉羞愧万分, 她转过头去不让人们看到她脸红。
Somebody must have had them. A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.
He cringed away, trying to hide his head and face in the hollow of his shoulders.
There is no reason to assume she would run away, and there is nothing for her to hide.
Also somebody likes to clear away entire apparatus rise, hide in the ambry of efficient.
也有人喜欢把全部用具都收拾起来, 藏在干净利落的橱柜里。
And so him carve out him heart, lock it away in a chest and hide the chest from the world.
于是他挖出了他的心, 将它锁进了宝箱再把宝箱藏了起来。
Hide behind the hence opposite the Old Woman. Shy away from the Hunnish warriors for a while.
躲到老女人对面得栅栏后面, 暂时躲避匈奴人。
If you hide away your problems and pretend that they don't exist they will just continue to mount up.
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单词 hide away 释义

  • 单词释义:隐藏;避匿;掩隐;昧  [更多..]



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