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单词 Hester 例句大全,用单词Hester造句:

The Revision of Hester Evaluation System and the Construction of the Norm for Region.
Hester next gathered up the heavy tresses of her hair and confined them beneath her cap.
Hester next gathered up the heavy tresses of her hair, and confined them beneath her cap.
接着, 海丝特挽起她浓密得发绺, 用帽子罩了起来。
It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge. calmly replied Hester.
那些长官们可不乐于取下这徽记, 海丝特平静地应道。
Aunt Hester thought that it would be nice for him to work, if he were quite sure not to lose by it.

单词 Hester 释义

  • 单词释义:赫丝特(女子名, Esther 的异体)  [更多..]



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