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单词 heavy on 例句大全,用单词heavy on造句:

The influence of moisture advection calculation on heavy rain simulation and a case analysis
An air transport pilot license equips you to fly heavy aircraft on transcontinental flights.
Simulation Analyzing on the Roll Table Working Condition on Producing Medium and Heavy Plate
Research advances in heavy metals accumulation in seagrass and its effects on seagrass growth.
Primary Research on Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Litter Leaf Detritus of Chinese Parasol Tree
Application of microcalorimetry on researching adsorption of heavy metal ions on Soil Colloids
Chronic disease bears down especially hard on working adults, imposing a heavy economic burden.
Analysis on Two Major Factors Impacting on Heavy duty Scraper Conveyor Fit with Cast Stone Chute
Remolding on Effluents Processing System of Heavy Oil and Studying on Sifting Test of Flocculant
Study on the Role of Paulownia fortunei in Accumulation and Transformation of Heavy Metal in Soil
Study on absorption and remediation by Poplar and Larch in the soil contaminated with heavy metals
杨树, 落叶松对土壤重金属的吸收及修复研究
The court handed down very heavy sentences ranging from fifteen to twenty years on all the accused.
Effect of Compound Stress of Heavy Metals on the Growth and Accumulation Characters of Juncus Effuses
Application of Double row Cylindrical Roller Bearing on Finial of High Accuracy Heavy Turning Support
Bill Lacey of the South African Chamber of Business worries that this places a heavy burden on small firms.
The decision would be reached on the battlefield before heavy equipment could arrive and affect the outcome.
在重型装备可以运到并影响战局以前, 战场上就会见分晓。
Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel.
霎时间, 天因风云黑暗, 降下大雨。亚哈就坐车往耶斯列去了。
Studies on the toxic effects of heavy metals on embryoes of ctenopharyngodon idella and the fries of the carps
The king of Israel advanced and overpowered the horses and chariots and inflicted heavy losses on the Arameans.
以色列王出城攻打车马, 大大击杀亚兰人。
A Case Study on the Effects of Cold Air from the Southern Hemisphere on the Continuous Heavy Rains in South China
A study on the wave accumulation and velocity vibration of floating bridges subjected to fast and heavy moving loads
Enhanced Adhesion Effects Induced by Fast Heavy Ion Beams for Matel Film on Insulator and Matel Film on Si Substrates
Frost heavy on distant peaks and maples red like drunken; Winds strong over the river in the sky and passing geese fly low.
Study on the Resistance of Juncus Effuses to Heavy Metal and Potential of Juncus Effuses for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
More unfortunately, the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton had absorbed tons of water and became so heavy that he could no longer go on carrying it.
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单词 heavy on 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>对…严厉  [更多..]



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