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单词 height gain 例句大全,用单词height gain造句:

to gain/ lose height
升高/ 降低高度
Birds and gliders circle in thermals to gain height.
You can ease back the stick and gain a little height.
The cranes must gain height to avoid the building storm.
蓑羽鹤必须飞得更高, 以躲避大风。
We're flying too fast, so I'll ease back on the stick and gain a little height.
我们飞得太快了, 我要把操纵杆拉回一点以增加高度。
This is meant, get together friendly net already promoted new strategic height small gain guest.
这意味着, 聚友网已把微博客提升到新得战略高度。
Investigation on correlation between weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight, height of neonates
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