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单词 grand piano 例句大全,用单词grand piano造句:

A baby grand piano for rent
To his great aunt, he left a grand piano.
They coaxed the grand piano through the door.
She struck up the first carol on the grand piano.
The movers were very careful with the grand piano.
Producer of wooden toys, beads and upright and grand piano action.
Perhaps there will be a grand piano as well as a cassette recorder.
或许会有一台大钢琴, 和一个卡带录音机
Grand piano. Stretch to change length from grand to concert grand size.
大钢琴。可拉伸以改变其长度, 从小型钢琴变为平台大钢琴。
Over the grand piano is a framed poster of the east hampton film festival
She had married an attorney in Memphis and he had bought her a grand piano.
她嫁给了孟菲斯的一位律师, 他给她买了一架大钢琴。
The problem of how to get the grand piano through the doorway baffled them.
Of course, the largest piece of furniture in House's apartment is the grand piano.
当然, 豪斯公寓里最大件的家用品是那架三角钢琴。
Sometimes my Teacher would arrange for me to have lessons on the grand piano positioned in the middle of the lobby area.
有时候, 老师会安排我位于大堂中间的大三角琴上课。
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单词 grand piano 释义

  • 单词释义:三角钢琴,大钢琴  [更多..]



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