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单词 go around 例句大全,用单词go around造句:

If you go around the bend, you'll see a corner shop at the local school.
你转过弯, 就会看到当地学校的小商店了。
When emails about a transaction like this go around, its a long cc list.
Someplace where every time I go around a corner I don't think of Maggie.
But, you're not the kind of person to casually go around lying to people.
但是, 你不是一个随随便便就对别人撒谎的人。
Turning sideways allows the wave to go around you instead of through you.
The truth is, there are just simply not enough donor organs to go around.
现实是,捐献的器官根本不够 用。
You can't go around killing people just because you don't approve of them.
You will compromise your good name if you go around with thieves and liars.
It is demonstrated that it takes a year for the earth to go around the sun.
已经证实, 地球绕太阳转一周需要一年的时间。
May the Lord bless and protect them as they go around making His name known.
A comet can take from three years to thousands of years to go around the sun.
Descend to your minimum altitude if not broken contact pull up and go around.
Go around the edge of each leaf rubbing with a crayon of a contrasting color.
Do not go around carrying on like some drunken fools with the company badge on!
The champions will go around the track with their national flags in their hands.
This is how, if you took billions of years to go around, it might look to you, right?
这就是你如果花几十亿年将看到的样子 对吧?
They don't go around with the burdens of the world on their shoulders the whole time.
Also, there weren't enough to go around and nobody appeared to want to take advantage.
We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time.
A cow on the runway. Please be prepare to pull up and go around when you are necessary.
Patients are dying every day because we don't have enough of those organs to go around.
Elisha said,'Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few.
Fortunately, they do not go around spreading their views, otherwise things would really be bad.
He did huge contribution to make calligraphies engraved on stele and calligraphy's copybook go around.
The Russian had slammed on his brakes to go around the roundabout, and the two cars skidded into each other.
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单词 go around 释义

  • 单词释义:参观;转动;走访;相处  [更多..]



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