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单词 go down with 例句大全,用单词go down with造句:

Go down with influenza
If we fail let us go down with dignity.
I go to the movies and sit down with my pop corn.
That bow tie down't go with that red skirt at all.
I'm going to go steal a bike. Are you down with me
I came down with flu and was unable to go to work.
For my loved ones. I could not go down with those waves.
I knew immediately how this would go down with my chief.
With an elevator in the skyscraper, we can easily go up and down.
And then you can throw the ball up and just go down with the ball.
然后你就可以把球抛起, 随球而动。
That sort of behaviour won't go down at all well with your neighbours.
The swelling had begun to go down, and he was able, with pain, to hobble.
I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again.
Why don't you go work with Chloe and pin down a location on Hector Salazar?
A captain is supposed to go down with his ship which seems rather pointless.
一般认为船长应与船一同沉没, 其实这看来是毫无意义的。
We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink.
我们可以去喝一碗鱼丸汤, 然后用酸梅汁将它消化掉。
I am gonna go on a business trip with my boss tomorrow. I am down in the dump!
If you match up against Aldridge with a smaller player, he'll go down to the block.
如果小个球员和他对抗, 他就拉到内线准备封盖。
I was able to go down and do a screen test and audition and have a lot of fun with it.
Bored. Going for a cruise with the top down. Who’s going with me? I’ll even go pick you up.
Days and nights come up and go down with unfailing regularity, like the ebb and low of an infinite ocean.
日月更替, 亘古不变, 就好比那无尽大海的潮涨潮落。
But our brains said if you don't sit down with these people, your country will go up in smoke, and innocent civilians will be slaughtered.
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