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单词 go out 例句大全,用单词go out造句:

Aha, I will go out strolling to buy something, do not need your accompany, hum!
嘻嘻, 那我自己去逛街啦, 不要你陪, 哼!
Aaron and I couldn't even go out to dinner without people taking pictures of us.
Adopt this platform, how does the sale go out your net goods, also be a knowledge.
Never stay out this late, or you won't be allowed to go out in the evening anymore.
Well, rather than go out to eat, let's go halvsies on ordering a pizza for delivery.
If the matron is absent, ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out.
doing these simple things, we surely can go out of the door happily and come b ack home s
做这些简单之事, 我们一定可以快乐出门平安回家。
Speaking of lunch, it was time to go out the front door, head up Park Ave and go to lunch.
I don't want to eat out with you. First, I don't want to go out; second, I have no appetite.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
Undeniable, the body brushs the optimal sticky mixture that the scintilla that go out is love.
After we back to Pontianak, we go to my aunt's home take a rest, then go out to have a dinner.
返回坤甸后, 我们去了阿姨家休息下, 然后再出去食晚餐。
Li Bai sprinkle Jiudong go, put aside the author's refined image of the sky to go out laughing.
Go in, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, that he let the children of Israel go out of his land.
你进去对埃及王法老说, 要容以色列人出他的地。
Let Aesthetics Go Out of Purity and Illusion, and Enter the Harmonious Realm of Historical Ecology
It turns out there are real people who go out and search for extraterrestrials in a very scientific way.
其实真的有人 用科学的方式去搜寻外星智慧。
And so far, I kind of admit, that this might feel like it's a message just to go out and play like a kid.
至此,我承认这好像是 叫你们像个小孩那样去玩。
Moon Mountain is home to a variety of ghosts and goblins, to go out this fan must go through the ghost door.
朔山住着各种妖魔鬼怪, 要出门就得经过这扇鬼门。
I used to go out nearly every night but I decided to knock it on the head because I couldn't really afford it.
Though the school regulates that students living on campus shouldn't go out at will, he insisted in going out.
Connect the edible on the island also enough it has been a year since we ate and go out to buy all absence not.
就连岛上的食物也足够我们吃一年了, 出去采买都不必。
You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it.
你常能看到这样一家人一起去森林里 砍了树,再做成木炭
I do believe that sense of smell can affect to you, might pick to go out on a date with, who your partner might be.
我相信嗅觉可以影响你, 可以为你选择出约会对象。
She can go out in the day, go to which always at ambition, but have to return at the midnight white month metropolis.
她白天可以出去, 去哪都随意, 但夜里必须回白月城。
I was devastated after watching the video clips about the tsunami in Japan. My prayers go out to all the people who were affected.
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单词 go out 释义

  • 单词释义:外出;出国;熄灭;出版  [更多..]



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