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单词 Grado 例句大全,用单词Grado造句:

All Grado headphones have a vented diaphragm design that incorporates a large air chamber.
e rendendo grazie con allegrezza al Padre che vi ha messi in grado di partecipare alla sorte dei santi nella luce.
Grado headphones are the antithesis of mass production, as each Grado headphone is handassembled and closely scrutinized to meet full performance specifications in the U.S.A.
与歌德耳机, 你会听到录音更清晰和更深入的低音比别人!

单词 Grado 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] 格拉多;[地名] [西班牙、意大利] 格拉多  [更多..]



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