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单词 give back 例句大全,用单词give back造句:

He tried to give it up, but after a few months he was back on the bottle.
With this canst thou likewise give back to thy brothers their human form.
It's something for me to give back because football has given me so much.
If He wants you to give the gift back to Him, give it willingly with love.
A scrupulous man never fails to give back the borrowed money to its owner.
My mother just came back to Jiangsu to give birth to me, and then returned.
That's theto give back love and our to celebrate person in his or her life.
Since you give me a presupposition, I may as well give you back another one.
He is always ready to give the shirt off his back to anyone who is in trouble.
对有困难的人, 他总是倾囊相助。
Give me back my salary, give me back my dignity, the people shouted in unison.
Ten years will do, and the other 10 years Ill give you back.loch So God agreed.
做鬼脸耍把戏?10年就够了, 另外10年还给你。上帝同意了。
Hold the upper back and neck in an erect position to give support for the head.
Give lessons hereafter standing simply going round the back to avoid dozing off.
以后上课干脆站到后面去, 避免打瞌睡。
Give your small animal Apple Twiggies and they will definitely come back for more!
Mike Dont give him a curfew, and hell mosey on back to the barn as soon as hes sleepy.
Lucy Yeah, she always had my back and I could always count on her to give it to me straight.
Tomorrow, I will invite him have a picnic, and then, conveniently give back his lovely kite.
When my computer starts acting up, I usually give it a quick pound and it jumps back to life.
Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend.
The DreamShare manuals back cover is a mostly blank slate, give or take a doodle or dirt stain.
His children are hoping that the poor will be kind to them, and his hands give back his wealth.
But the key part is trying to give back an extraordinary piece of landscape, rather than engulf it.
但是关键 是试着还给土地一片别致的景观 而不是践踏它
Should there be out of stock, I will give you your money back out of the money. Please rest assured.
如果遇上缺货, 我会把缺货的钱奉还给您。请您放心。
Chiropractic, involving manipulation of the spinal column, can give great relief to people with back problems.
Buyer can provide the size or type of the item which they want to change, then give the original item back to seller.
顾客可提出欲转换之款式或尺码, 把原来之产品交回给我们。
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单词 give back 释义

  • 单词释义:归还,恢复;后退;交还;退后  [更多..]



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