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单词 glance at 例句大全,用单词glance at造句:

He happened to take a glance at a disused bell that hung in the room.
As he was stepping through the doorway, he shot a glance at Prudence.
在他正要踏出房门的时候, 他望了望普律当丝。
A glance at this letter will convince you that you have been taken in.
I saw him cast a furtive glance at the woman at the table to his right.
When Mary walked she did not soas take a glance at me, which angered me.
玛丽进门时, 连看我一眼都没有, 真令人生气。
She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
A cursory glance at contemporary psychology reveals startling diversity.
粗略浏览一下现代心理学, 就会发现其具有惊人的多样性。
The army girl, tall and demurely pretty, threw a quick side-glance at her.
The bank teller gave a fearful glance at the customers during the robbery.
Even now he did not hesitate to glance at her, and she was conscious of it.
Glance at Western Translation Studies from the Perspective of Functionalism
When Mary walked in, she didn't so as take a glance at me, which angered me.
玛丽进门时, 连看我一眼都么有, 真令一生气。
Jim stole a glance at Mary to see if she approved of what he was suggesting.
I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.
我扫视了一下大厅, 发现观众中有许多熟悉的面孔。
Taking a glance at the stone, you will see that it is just like a crouched ox.
蓦然看去, 这石头像一头卧牛。
One glance at a pyramid can leave the viewer in awe of its beauty and splendor.
It is a good idea to have a glance at the alchemistic tradition and its methods.
Then you glance at the screen of your personal computer, docked in the dashboard.
然后你看一下屏幕上的您的个人计算机, 停靠在仪表盘。
Harry cast one slight glance at the latticed window, and jumped into the carriage.
I glance at the front page headlines, and then I turn straight to the readers'letters.
我先瞥一下头版的标题, 然后直接看读者投书。
A Glance at the History and Geography of Hainan Island from Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty
I happened to glance at the weather forecast and I believe it said it is going to rain.
But shed recovered fast. Shed smiled and didnt glance at either the open briefcase or the dresser.
她微笑着, 看也没看一眼打开的公文包和梳妆台。
It is true, he cast one admiring glance at Judith, which was extorted by her brilliant and singular beauty.
He made a few more jerky movements up and down, several times, casting a longing glance at the lavatory pan.
他又来回做了几个神经质的动作, 好几次眼巴巴地看着便盆。
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单词 glance at 释义



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